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Welcome! I'm a writer and editor based in Austin, Texas. I write primarily for magazines, and my work has appeared or is forthcoming in WiredHarper'sThe Point, Longreads, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. My writing has been nominated for a National Magazine Award and recognized as "notable" in Best American Essays and various Pushcart Anthologies. I'm happily accepting new assignments; if you're an editor interested in working together, feel free to reach out here.

I'm also an experienced editor with a PhD in English Literature. I've helped retired doctors write memoirs; I've helped academics get a handle on unwieldy dissertations, articles, and books; I've helped hospital CEOs, statisticians, and a range of businesspeople write more lucidly and compellingly. If any of this sounds like you and you'd like my help, don't hesitate to get in touch.


© 2023 by Andrew Kay

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